1.0 執行摘要(Executive Summary)

  1. 你的基本事業構想是可行的(Your basic business concept is viable)
  2. 你已經做好通盤考量(You’ve thought through everything involved)
  3. 你已經組成了堅強的管理團隊(You’ve assembled a competent management team)
  4. 你的產品或服務是有市場的(A market exits for your product or service)
  5. 你確實具有競爭優勢(You have some kind of competitive advantage)
    6. 你的財務預測合理,而且是可以達成的(Your financial projections are reasonable and achievable)
2.0 公司簡介(Company Desription)

  1. 提供基本資料(Give your basic details)
  2. 提供公司法定所有權的相關資訊(Provide information about your firm’s legal ownership)
  3. 說明公司的發展歷程(Describe your company’s history)
  4. 明確說明產品與服務(Specify your products and services)
  5. 描述整體產業狀況(Describe your overall industry)
  6. 說明公司目前的資金狀況(Explain your company’s funding to date)
3.0 目標市場描述(Target Market Description)

  1. 明確說明目標市場的地理位置(Specify the geographic location of your target market)
  2. 描述目標市場的基本人口結構(Describe the basic demographic characteristics of your target customers)
  3. 詳細說明潛在顧客的購買動機和消費模式(Detail probable customer motivations and purchase patterns)
  4. 評估市場規模(Estimate your market size)
  5. 特別說明目前市場趨勢(Note some of the current market trends)
4.0 競爭對手分析(Competitive Analysis)

  1. 明確指出競爭對手(Identify your competition)
  2. 鎖定你每天要面對的競爭對手(Zero in on the competitors your will face day in and day out)
  3. 判斷個別競爭對手的市占率(Determine your competitors’ respective market shares)
  4. 進行競爭對手分析(Develop a competitive analysis)
  5. 強調自己的競爭優勢(Highlight your own competitive edge)
  6. 實際評估進入障礙(Realistically evaluate any barriers to entry)
5.0 行銷暨銷售計畫(Marketing and Sales Plan)

  1. 整理出自己要傳達的主要行銷訊息(Summarize what your main marketing message will be)
  2. 描述各種行銷管道(Describe your various marketing vehicles)
  3. 明確說明所有自己打算採用的其他銷售與行銷策略(Identify all the additional sales and marketing strategies you intend to use)
  4. 描述自己的業務團隊(Describe your sales team)
6.0 營運計畫(Operations Plan)

  1. 地點與設備
  2. 生產流程與品質控管
  3. 存貨控管
  4. 供應與配銷方式
  5. 訂單履行與顧客服務
  6. 設備與技術
  7. 財務控管制度

  1. 根據營運模式取決關鍵的營運要項(Determine the key operational elements that relate to your business model)
  2. 強調自己的營運優勢(Highlight your operational advantages)
  3. 指出自己觀察到的未來營運挑戰(Address any future operational challenges you can see on the horizon)
7.0 管理團隊(Management Team)

  1. 特別介紹負責企業營運的重要成員(Highlight the key people who run your business)
  2. 設想未來公司發展時,必須具備哪些管理能力(Project what your firm’s future management needs will be as you more forward)
  3. 說明組織裡其他人事架構(Describe the rest of your organizational staffing structure)
  4. 不要遺漏了董事會成員和顧問等人的資訊(Don’t forget to include information about your board members, advisors and consultants)
8.0 發展計畫與里程碑(Develop Plan and Milestones)

  1. 訂定公司長期目標(Define your company’s long-term goals)
  2. 設定里程碑,讓外界看見公司的進步(Set out some of the milestones that will show you are marketing progress)
  3. 評估企業面臨的風險和挑戰(Assess the risks and challenges you face as a business)
  4. 探究可能的退場策略(Explore your potential exit stratrgies)
9.0 財務說明(Financials)

  1. 損益表(Your income statement)
  2. 現金流量預測(Your cash-flow projections)
  3. 資產負債表(Your balance sheet)
  4. 製作基金來源運用表(Prepare a sources and use of funds statement)
  5. 製作其他能夠讓事業計畫書更扎實的財務報表(Develop any additional financial statements that will add substance to your business plan)

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